NFI Distributions

At COWACDI, our approach to NFI distributions funded by NHF emphasizes the need for involving affected populations before, during and after distributions. The objective of the distributions is to ensure that the immediate personal needs of affected populations are covered and that a minimum level of dignity is ensured. We also ensure that these kits are culturally appropriate, and cater for the needs of all segments of the affected population in a non-discriminatory manner. 


Displaced persons have often been compelled to leave their places of habitant in a hurry and had to leave essential, personal and household items behind. The distribution of Non-Food Items (NFIs) is therefore an essential activity in the emergency phase. As part of our mission is to mitigate the impact of suffering of vulnerable and marginalized persons, COWACDI with funding by the NHF are on mission to distribute NFI relief items to the affected population. We believe that provision of these NFIs will support the dignity, health and privacy of affected populations, while simultaneously limiting exposure to further protection risks. 


Building the capacity of new and current staff is an essential part of programme implementation In COWACDI. Basic training for all staff should cover guiding principles, goals and activities of COWACDI programming, In addition to basic trainings for all staff, specialized staff should receive targeted training to meet their key responsibilities (e.g. training on case management, Protection Management etc.).

As part of COWACDI's mandate to combat sexual exploitation and abuse which is an issue acknowledged as a system-wide one that requires a common approach, COWACDI has developed strategic means of incorporating PSEA in its programming through training of personnel, community sensitization and awareness creation to better prevent, detect, report and take action against personnel who commit these inexcusable and abhorrent acts.

Promoting peace-building

At COWACDI, we believe that Peace in our communities can only be achieved collaboratively, at local, national, regional, and international levels. Individuals, communities, civil society organizations, government, regional bodies, and the private sector all play a role in building peace. To sustain positive change, everyone affected by a violent conflict must be involved in the process of building peace. We believe that peace is more than just the absence of violence. Peacebuilding organizations such as COWACDI ultimately strive to promote what is described as ‘positive peace.

Gender Equity

At COWACDI, we promote inclusive participation by ensuring gender equity and the participation of women and girls in development activities, by challenging harmful socio-cultural norms that make women and girls in our communities suffer systematic disadvantages, and respond to humanitarian emergencies to alleviate the suffering of people affected by conflict and disaster.